Thursday, March 8, 2012

Operation Shower

In January, I had the wonderful opportunity to be one of 12 designers asked to design a 'Sunshine Safari' table for Operation Shower!!
Operation Shower provides incredible baby showers for military moms-to-be whose spouses are deployed. The shower was held at Torrey Pines Golf Course in La Jolla California
and hosted by Operation Shower, Birdies for the Brave, Carl's Jr. and
Pottery Barn Kids.

The day before the shower all of the designers set up at Torrey Pines Golf Course....everyone worked hard in pouring rain and cold winds--nothing was going to stop us from making this day as beautiful as possible! I brought my talented assistant.. (AKA my Mom) to make sure every detail was perfect.

After setting up, all of the designers met up for dinner and wished for gorgeous weather in the morning.........Thankfully, we woke up to clear beautiful skies!!

Here is a photo of all the lovely table designers ready to shower the Moms! Below are samples of all of the incredibly beautiful Sunshine Safari tables! I was so honored to work with such talented and amazing ladies!

I will start with dessert first of course....look at this gorgeous table by Sweets Indeed and I Loved the marshmallows by The Marshmallow Studio!!

and here are the beautiful table designs with the fun printables by Paper and Cake!

Table by A to Zebra

Table by Paper and Cake

Table by Your Bash!

and here is my table...I chose to use many soft elements and bright cheery colors to match the 'Sunshine Safari' theme.

All of the designers worked with to create these gorgeous table designs! Pottery Barn Kids generously donated decor items for each designer to work with as well as many fabulous items for the moms!

LeAnn Morrissey started this operation sending military moms a 'shower in a box' filled with baby essentials ................As this operation has grown, she has kept this tradition and each mom is presented with a shower in a box' filled with many needed essentials that are generously donated to Operation Shower. Each designer delivered the Moms their box--it was so wonderful seeing all of the moms open up these boxes FILLED with amazing donated items!

The joy on their faces was priceless--everyone was happy and loving this gorgeous sunny day in beautiful San Diego! Carl's Jr. pulled up a truck and generously started grilling a yummy lunch for everyone to enjoy.

As all of of the Mamas came in --they had the opportunity to have their 'bump' photographed by The Pixel Studio which was quickly developed and given to the Mom's....the tears started here and kept on coming..............

Then each of the Moms were surprised with a Pottery Barn crib--amazing! I still can not find the words to fully explain how wonderful it was to be a part of this event. The Founder, LeAnn Morrissey has set up this incredible operation that has already showered over 600 women! Thank you LeAnn and Amy for including me on this very special day, your work has touched so many hearts!