Monday, May 10, 2010

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom!

I have been doing a lot of letter sorting (capitalized verses lower case) with my daughter who is in preschool................
We decided to get out the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom DVD and book.....we are a huge book family........we do not watch a lot of TV or movies.... but I love all of the DVD's that reinforce the books, I really think it helps make letter/word connections.

and of course we had to make our own Chicka Chicka Boom Boom treat............we leave for Hawaii in a little over a week so this activity helped us get into the tropical spirit!!


  1. very cute! and have fun in Hawaii!!!

    Kim @
    party inspiration

  2. oh my goodness hawaii!! so jealous! have fun!

    ps. i was happy to feature you..huge fan of your blog. i redid my buttons if you want to grab one! have a great night!

  3. Love your blog! Thanks for visiting mine!

  4. This idea is simply too adorable to even describe! SO FUN!

  5. Thank you--I love all of this stuff.....I taught pre K for many years and now I get to do all of this with my kiddos!

  6. Can you tell me a little more about the snack? My daughter would LOVE to do this for her birthday!

  7. Just found this!! Planning a chicka chicka birthday party!! Where did you find the gummy alphabet? Your lettered in the jars?

  8. I made the snack out of rice crispy treats and cookies--I found the gummy letters at Home GOODS OF ALL PLACES (;

  9. Hi! Where did you get those awesome letters? I'd like to fill some hurricanes like you did for center pieces for my son's 1st birthday party Chicka Chicka Boom Boom theme! I can only find giant foam letters for bath, or with adhesive on the back, or magnets!

  10. I found the foam letters at Lakeshore/ a teachers supply store (:
