Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Halloween Costumes

 I made my kids costumes last year and spent 10.00 total by making them myself--.....because of our recent move, I was convinced that I would have to break down and buy costumes this year.........
but, I found time to make them YAY....and the best part is that I used scrap fabric and embellishments that I already had!...Which gave me a grand total of zero dollars and zero cents woo hoo---that just gives me more money to decorate our new casa!
OK, so this year we used the PB kids donut costume as inspiration and this is what I created--my daughter is soo happy! I just had to have my son dress up as a cop in a donut shop for the pics hee hee--even though he made me promise to tell everyone that he is NOT going to be a police officer....he actually decided he wanted to be a shark (his costume from a couple of years ago)......

Here is a pic of their costumes last year.....I can not believe how much my little cup cake and hamburger have grown in a year!

1 comment:

  1. So cute! The only sewing I can do is replacing lost I'm thoroughly impressed!
