Thursday, December 29, 2011

2011 Year end Review of Parties!

I have been a very bad blogger the past 6 months......our computer caught on fire (literally) and I have been networking on other social networking sites AND have had the busiest year EVER filled with exciting events....which you will see in this post! My goal is to blog more frequently in the comming year--but for now I have decided to review my year of parties!!

This first party is a vintage sports party that we had for my son last year, he is really interested in sports and the history of sports so this was the perfect party theme for him!

I always feel bad that my son's birthday is so close to Christmas.....and this year it was so soon after a move and school change....So when the weather warmed up we had a pool party inviting all of his new friends over! This party was featured on my favorite Party site HWTM!! Here is the link Summer Kick-off: Crab & Lobster Party

We had a Pink Cabana Pool party for my daughter this year, we had a funfilled day for my sweet girl.....this was actually my last blog post ....AND it was featured on Amy Atlas--such an honor--you can see the post here Lilly Pulitzer Inspired Guest Dessert Feature.

This year my husband and I celebrated our 10 year anniverssary! We recently moved back 'home' were we both grew up and has really been an excited we decided to renew our vows! We invited family and our entire wedding party--it was a memorable celebration filled with love!

I had my BIG 40th birthday this year too and decided that I wanted a girl's weekend at the husband took the kids to his parents and set us up with a stretch Hummer limo (I have the best husband in the world!!)--and a week later I went to Italy with my college roomates...needless to say I had an AMAZING birthday and was surrounded with people I love really took the edge off of turning 40!

This past Fall I had the opportunity to style a photo shoot for Bird's Party Magazine - Fall 2011, Issue 3 was thrilled to use Bird's adorable printables and be included in her inspirational online magazine!

In the Fall we had a back -to- school Madeline themed tea party! I really love the non traditional celebrations we have been having....I hope to continue these new traditions in 2012!

I was able to host a baby shower for my good friend in December....we had a champagne brunch and it was a gorgeous Southern California day in DECEMBER so we were able to eat outside. I love the navy and green color combo--We had a whale of a day!

and.....Christmas! We had guests over for Christmas Eve dinner, Christmas day brunch and Christmas dinner! I set up this dessert table and kept refilling it as new guests arrived--I love my new cup cake covers that are personalized with our last name (thank you to my dear friend Debbie)! Well thats a wrap--I look forward to all of the new parties that 2012 will bring!!


  1. رول تغليف حراري هو مادة تُستخدم لتغليف المستندات والصور والمواد الأخرى لحمايتها من التلف والرطوبة والغبار. يُستخدم مع أجهزة التغليف الحراري، حيث يتم تسخين الطبقة اللاصقة على الرول للالتصاق بالورق أو المادة المراد تغليفها.

  2. الصناعات التي تتبع معايير جودة صارمة مثل الأدوية، الأغذية، والمستشفيات تفرض استخدام هواء مضغوط نقي. واختيار ضواغط خالية من الزيوت يساعد الشركات في الامتثال لهذه اللوائح، مما يعزز من سمعتها ويضمن اسعار كمبروسر الهواء عملياتها دون مشاكل تنظيمية.استخدام ضاغط هواء خالٍ من الزيوت يضمن تشغيل الأدوات والمعدات الهوائية بكفاءة دون الحاجة إلى فلاتر إضافية لإزالة الزيت.



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