The weather has been gorgeous so we decided to have a few friends over for a fiesta on Cinco de Mayo! We live near the Jelly Belly Factory and................................. I found jalepeno flavored Jelly Belly candy!!! I decided to create a Cinco De Mayo dessert table...still not sure if anyone will be brave enough to eat a jalepeno flavored Jelly Belly.....we shall see!
I can not believe that it is almost May! We decided to make a May pole to dance around and celebrate spring! We attached flowers, ribbons and fabric to a wooden ring and then hooked it on our tether ball pole in the backyard....instant spring fun!!
I bought a stepping stone kit and we decided to make hand prints in the mold.........I have fond childhood memories of printing my hands in fresh laid patio cement and watching it dry... and then looking at it for years to come. We ended up putting in flagstone for our patio so we do not have any prints of the kids hands (or feet). I like the idea of the stepping stone because we can take it with us when we move!
The kit came with some small stones that resembled fish gravel and were a little too bright in we purchased some smooth glass stones and added some glitter before it dried.......I love how it turned out.....I think we will make a few more to create a path........ This would also make a great Mother's day gift!
I made my son's teacher a foot spa package for teacher appreciation day next week! I purchased lavender lotion, foot cream, exfoliant and foot therapy salts. I also included a terra cotta pumice stone, massage brushes and some other pedicure tools. I found those very convenient sandals that you latch after you paint your toes (love them!).............
I placed everything in a foot she is ready to go.....I think every teacher deserves some time off their feet!
We made a robot that was attached to a very large remote control he actually moved through our party! The kids decorated the robot with all kinds of gadgets....including a voice recorder and eye that moved and lit up. Moon fun!
We had this party in the evening so we could go outside and see the stars with a telescope....we also had a mad rocket scientist (Daddy) visit and launch a small rocket....the kids had a blast (literally)!
We figured out that we had some empty space under our stair case a few years a go....and built this very small play area for the kids! My daughter has pretty much taken over this space (she is the only one who really really fits under there)............... About a week ago she spotted this chair..........and begged for it.........and I was pretty impressed with her choice....such a little designer. I surprised her with it last week when she got home from school and she was sooo excited! It barely fits in her little space but she does not care...... she is just so happy with her fancy new chair!!
We have a Fentons Creamery in town which is a really big hit with the kids.................. Their Ice Cream is amazing....we usually get the BIG banana split to share.......... ....and of course the kids are really excited that they mentioned Fentons in the movie 'Up'....They now give the kids 'up' coloring sheets while you wait for your yummy ice cream!.....I am not sure that Fentons needed any advertising.............Rumor has it that they scope out locations and are very picky about where they I guess we are really lucky that we have one in town! We went home and created our own Fentons creamery!
Felt party favor baskets........ Pin the Fairy on the Flower game..........
Pretend to 'fly' on the fairy swing! Poms with floating fairies............................. Fairy Garden stories..................... Fairy cakes......... We had a lot of fun celebrating Spring at our Fairy Garden Party!
We decided to play 'going green' in the doll house....we started with the tree house because we thought they would be trend setters for all of the other dolls...we talked about conserving energy, recycling and using earth friendly products.......We even gave them their own 'Green' recycling bin!
Well it looks like rain....again........I need to get my creative juices flowing for some 'inside' fun---especially if this lasts through the weekend....Where are you spring??
I love using found and recycled material with children. It really helps them understand how to reuse items and give them a new purpose. I also enjoy seeing how creative children are when using these open ended materials....this art was created with old toys, beads, wire, sticks, seeds and buttons.....great excuse to clean out the toy box!